Thesis : [158] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 158
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The Need Analysis of Distributed Leadership in Higher Education InstitutionsMuslumzada, Amina Elshan
2024Exploring motives and challenges of students in Erasmus+ mobility program: A Case of Khazar studentsChirwa, Hamza Muhammad
2024XXI əsr bacarıqları və onların şagird nailiyyətlərinə təsiri (5-9 siniflər)Mütəllimli, Gülü
20245-ci sinifdə inklüziv təhsildə universal təhsil dizaynının təşkilinin şagirdlərin akademik inkişafına təsiriMuradalı, Səkinə Yaşar qızı
2024Somatic symptoms and their association with anxiety and depression in Azerbaijanian patients with panic disorderDibirova, Jale
2024Simulation of heavy oil recovery by using Computer Modelling Group (CMG)Babayev, Masud Murad
2024Long-term Oil Production Forecasting A Comparative Analysis of Reservoir Simulation Models and Machine Learning ApproachesRustamov, Arif Rashad
2024Implementation of shortest route algorithms in Smart CityMustafayev, Mustafa Azer
2024Prediction of COVID-19 using procedures of transfer learningAliyeva, Sevinj Ahsan
2024Feature Selection with Improved Mountain Gazelle Optimizer Algorithm For Intrusion Detection Systems-
2024Cultural Diplomacy in International Relations: A Case Study of Indonesia’s EngagementKhairunnisa, Brilliant Windy
2024Phone charging converter with automatic solar trackerAhmadov, Rahim Ibrahım
2024Təlim prosesində İKT-dən istifadənin pedaqoji-psixoloji əsaslari və təlimin keyfiyyətinə onun təsiriMehdiyeva, Ruhiyyə Zahid qızı
2024Designing industrial pick and place robotic arm with AVR microcontrollerHajiyev, Nicat Azar
2024Ecological impact of Carbon Capture Storage (CCS)Alakbarov, Akshın Hafiz
2024Association of impulsivity and methamphetamine use in the development of gambling disorders; a prospective, Single-center study.Novruzova, Ilaha Elchin
2024Comparative analysis of phobias with psychotherapy and psychopharmacologyMammadova, Tamilla
2024Anxıety And Depressıon Levels In Famıly Members Of People Strugglıng Wıth AddıctıonÇaylan, Yeliz
2024Measuring well-being of university students in AzerbaijanAliyeva, Mirsucayat Mircalal
2024Burnout Syndrome in School Teachers at the beginning and end of the yearQuluzada, Nazrin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 158