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dc.contributor.authorГулиева, Зейнеб-
dc.identifier.citationAzerbaijan Archaeologyen_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper discusses the results of the studying of ceramics found in the Yeni Yol settlement and stored in the fund of the archaeological service department of the Nakhichevan branch of ANAS. The study aims to clarify the issues related to the origin and interaction of archaeological cultures that existed in the South Caucasus during the Late Chalcolithic. The first monument where the exchange of these cultures is traced is the Yeni Yol settlement in the valley of the Nakhichevanchay River. The purpose, the course of the research carried out, and the general nature of the archaeological materials found in the site are analyzed. It was revealed that here the culture of the Late Chalcolithic has a new stage, reflecting the period after Ovchulartepesi.en_US
dc.publisherKhazar University Pressen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 25;Azerbaijan Archaeology, № 2-
dc.subjectЮжный Кавказen_US
dc.subjectЙени йолen_US
dc.subjectкультура Овчулартепесиen_US
dc.titleК проблеме преобразования культур позднего энеолита в Нахчыване (по материалам исследований поселения Йени йол)en_US
Appears in Collections:2022, Vol. 25, № 2

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