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dc.contributor.authorQuliyeva, Zeynəb-
dc.identifier.citationAzerbaijan archaeologyen
dc.description.abstractIn article, functional and technological features of Neolithic ceramics of Nakhchivan have been analyzed. Purpose of the study is to trace the way of life of local tribes, the developing process of the craft and skill to find out the local features of Neolithic culture of Nakhchivan. İt is identified that the most part of ceramics is made with chaff tempered clay and are burned in different shades of red color. On a cutof pottery sometimes are traced the unfired black and gray layers. Ceramic wares are similar to the materials found from the settlements of the South Caucasus, including Azerbaijan. The known close parallels are from Shomutepe, MollaNagitepesi, Geytepe, Haji Firuz and other sites. This feature also can be seen in the ornamentation of the Neolithic ceramics of Nakhchivan. Ornaments have been presented, with banded reliefs, round molds, circle holes, elongated hollows and the imbedded patterns. Some of them coincide with ornaments of synchronous monuments of East Anatolia, Mesopotamia and South Caucasus, but branded relief and the elongated hollows reflect local nature of Neolithic culture of Nakhchivan.en
dc.publisherKhazar University Pressen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 20;№ 1-
dc.subjectneolit mədəniyyətien
dc.subjectfunksional xüsusiyyəten
dc.titleNaxçıvanın neolit dövrü keramikasının funksional və texnoloji xüsusiyyətlərien
Appears in Collections:2017, Vol. 20, № 1

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