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Results 4101-4110 of 6922 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-09-12AZERTAC and other websites broadcast news about the publication of the book " Мой Карабах или Карабахский узел" by professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli.-
2017-09-17NATO and its partnerships in the Asia-Pacific vs. China’s “marching West”: a new international system in the making?Vernygora, Vlad
2022-09-12AZERTAC and other websites write about the meeting of professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli with Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagchi-
2022-09-12AZERTAC and other websites write about the meeting with representatives of Turkey's Bilecik Sheikh Edabali University at Khazar University-
2022-09-12AZERTAC and other websites write about the launching cooperation with the Institute of Genetic Resources of Khazar University-
2022-09-12AZERTAC and other websites write on Khazar University's cooperation with Turkey's Qafqaz University-
2021-07Новые мутации в гене дистрофина у больных мышечной дистрофией ДюшеннаАгаева, Салтанат Аршад; Мамедов, Аяз Мамед; Мамедбейли, Айтен Камал; Валиева, Лейла Садраддин
2010Сравнительный анализ воздействия эми квч на уровень норадреналина и серотонина в коре головного мозгаАгаева, Селтенет Аршад; Бабаев, Ханага Физули; Мамедов, Закир Гусейнович
2018Inherited Metabolic Disease Phenylketonuria and Deficiency of G6pd Enzyme In A Family StudyAghayeva, S.A.; Huseynova, L.S.; Kichibekov, B.R.; Aliyeva, K.A.; Khalilov, R.I.
2022-09-12Study visit to IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences in Austria within UniLab project-