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Title: Spectral Expansion for Singular Beta Sturm–Liouville Problems
Authors: Allahverdiev, Bilender P.
Tuna, Hüseyin
Yalçınkaya, Yüksel
Keywords: Sturm–Liouville theory
Fractional derivatives and integrals
Spectral expansion
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: N.N.Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Series/Report no.: Vol. 10;Ural Mathematical Journal, № 2
Abstract: In this study, beta Sturm–Liouville problems are discussed. For such equations, the spectral function is established in the singular case. A spectral expansion is given with the help of this function.
ISSN: 2414-3952
Appears in Collections:Publications

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