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dc.contributor.authorMustafayev, Laçın-
dc.contributor.authorSəfərova, Ülviyyə-
dc.identifier.citationAzerbaijan Archaeologyen_US
dc.description.abstractIt is difficult to overestimate the role of archaeological study of the ancient Gabala in the study of the history of Caucasian Albania. Archaeological investigation on the ancient settlement of the ancient capital of Caucasian Albania, located in the place called Chakkaly and located between the rivers Garachay and Gochalanchay (Qabala district of Azerbaijan), began in 1967 at the initiative of I. Babayev. Excavation materials made it possible to trace the formation of ancient urban culture and study the development of the city’s economic life, in particular, handicraft production, architecture and construction. Data obtained by archaeologists expanded our knowledge about the funeral rites of the inhabitants of Caucasian Albania, about the political, economic and cultural ties with other ancient states. Some of the monuments discovered here, in particular, oval structures are unique in their kind.Changes in the material culture of Azerbaijan in the ancient period in a related form can be traced from the excavations in Gabala. The cultural layer revealed here of the Late Bronze – Early Iron Ages with a large number of objects of material culture of that era indicates that the settlement gradually grew and turned into an ancient city.Upon the whole, a phased and consistent study of the historical processes taking place in Azerbaijan for a long time can be successfully investigated on the basis of monuments identified during the archaeological excavations in Gabala, both the most ancient and medieval periods.en_US
dc.publisherKhazar University Pressen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 25;Azerbaijan Archaeology, № 2-
dc.subjectoval tikilien_US
dc.subjectantik mədəniyyətin təsirien_US
dc.titleQafqaz Albaniyasının maddi mədəniyyətinin öyrənilməsində Qəbələ arxeoloji qazıntılarının roluen_US
Appears in Collections:2022, Vol. 25, № 2

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