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dc.contributor.authorƏliyev, Elvin-
dc.identifier.citationAzerbaijan Archaeologyen_US
dc.description.abstractThe article is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Ibrahimli Bahlul Imran, an indefatigable researcher of the ancient history and archeology of Nakhchivan. Archaeologist Bahlul Ibra-himli was born on the 12th of July, 1952 in Sabir village of Ordubad region. He studied at the "History" faculty of the Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute in 1971-1975. In 1975-1980, he participated in the archaeological excavations conducted by the Nakhchivan archa-eological expedition of the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences at Kharaba Gilan City, from 1980 to 1990, he was the deputy chief of the archaeolo-gical expedition to Kharaba Gilan. He has been leading the expedition since 2004. In 1993-2017, he worked as a leading researcher in the "Archaeology of Antiquity" department of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography. Since 2017, he has been appointed head of the "History and Theory of Archaeological Heritage" department. He is the author of 7 monog-raphs, more than 130 scientific articles. At various times, he gave reports at International Scientific Conferences and Symposia in the Russian Federation, Germany, Turkey, Poland and Georgia. The main research object of the scientist was the archaeological monuments of the Gilanchay river. For more than 40 years, Bahlul Ibrahimli has carried out archaeological researches in Bal Dere, Aza, Kharabagilan city, pertaining to the middle ages; in Plovdagh, Khalikeshan, Mardangol, Muncuqlutepe, Delme, Sumbatan, pertaining to the Bronze age and the Iron age and other monuments.en_US
dc.publisherKhazar University Pressen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 25;Azerbaijan Archaeology, № 2-
dc.subjectBəhlul İbrahimlien_US
dc.subjectXaraba Gilanen_US
dc.subjectarxeoloji ekspedisiyaen_US
dc.titleArxeoloq Bəhlul İbrahimlinin 70 illik yubileyinəen_US
Appears in Collections:2022, Vol. 25, № 2

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