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Title: Nizami Gəncəvi dövründə Şəmkir şəhərində mədəni
Authors: Dostiyev, Tarix
Keywords: Nizami Gəncəvi
orta əsr Şəmkir şəhəri
şəhər mədəniyyəti
Arran memarlıq məktəbi
müsəlman mədəniyyəti
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Khazar University Press
Citation: Azerbaijan Archaeology
Series/Report no.: Vol. 24;Azerbaijan Archaeology, № 2
Abstract: The article is about the cultural life of the city of Shamkir in the Nizami Ganjavis epoch. The city was one of the centers of the Arran School of Architecture. The Shamkir minaret, striking in its beauty for scientists and travelers, testified to the high level of religious architecture in the city. Artistic handicrafts are especially motley and beautiful. Artistic ceramics is the most widespread type of decorative art, and in it the characteristic features of the artistic culture of the era were especially clearly manifested - especially the tendency towards the synthesis of arts, combined with great perfection and harmony with ornament, calligraphy and painting. The archaeological materials determine the facts of playing chess, nard, which were a popular way of spending leisure time.
ISSN: 2218-0346
Appears in Collections:2021, Vol. 24, № 2

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