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Title: Nursing in All Areas: Care, Education And Innovation
Keywords: Nursing
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: BZT Turan Publishing House
Citation: 200
Abstract: Nursing, which has developed over time, is a branch of science and art that deals with the health of the individual, family and society. It is a profession with a wide application area where activities are carried out to protect, maintain and improve the health of the individual. Nurses undertake the task of helping people not only when they have health problems, but also in every process and in every field from birth to the end of life. This volume has been created to present the development of a wide range of nursing care under the influence of current and technological changes.
Description: CHAPTER 1. Common Problems and Management in the Elderly Cancer Patient -- CHAPTER 2. Current and Technological Reflections in Surgical Nursing: from past to present -- CHAPTER 3. Flipped Classroom Model and Pedagogical Design Features in Nursing Undergraduate Education -- CHAPTER 4. Health Care-Associated Infections And Nursing Care -- CHAPTER 5. Nursing Care For Multidrug Resistant Bacteria -- CHAPTER 6. Simulation and Moulage Applications in Nursing Education
ISBN: 978-9952-8545-3-4
Appears in Collections:Books

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