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Title: Evidence Dynamics
Authors: Gülekçi, Yakup
Keywords: Evidence Evaluation
Forensic Microbiology
Drug Testing
Fingerprint Age Estimation
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: BZT Turan Publishing House
Citation: 72
Abstract: Evidence Dynamics seeks to transcend the traditional understanding of forensic science by addressing the criminal phenomenon holistically, with a focus on innovative methods for evidence from the meticulous collection and preservation of crime scene findings to their analysis through the latest technologies plays a critical role in ensuring scientific accuracy.
Description: Ch.1. A New Technology In Evidence Evaluation: The Artificial Intelligence Revolution In Forensic Sciences -- Ch.2. A New Tool in Forensic Science: Wastewater-Based Epidemiology -- Ch.3. Evolution Of Forensic Microbiology: From Classical Methods To Deep Learning -- Ch. 4. The Role of Mechanism-Based Toxicological Assessments in Sudden Deaths -- Ch.5. Performance-Enhancing Drug Testing -- Ch.6. Evaluation of Techniques Used in Fingerprint Age Estimation -- Ch.7. A New Trend In Forensic Toxicology: Dried Sample Collection Methods.
ISBN: 978-9952-8541-1-4
Appears in Collections:Books

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