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Showing results 2551 to 2570 of 5721 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-02-10İvane Cavaxişvili adına Tbilisi Dövlət Universitetinin 100 illik yubileyinə həsr edilmiş mərasimdə Professor Hamlet İsaxanlının çıxışıİsaxanlı, Hamlet
2013İxracatçılar üçün təlimat kitabıQarayev, İlkin; Mikayılov, Elxan; Rəsulov, Fuad; Morrissey, Gerry
2000İxtisasartırma və yenidənhazırlanma təhsili, islahatlar kontekstində real vəziyyət, prosesin təkmilləşdirilməsinə müasir baxışAğamalıyev, Rehim
2021-12-30"I’m Alasgar, I'm burnt in the fire of love" Literary-Artistic Evening-
2007-05-22J-STOR across the South Caucasus-
2022-02-02January Issue of “Khazar Khabar” is on
2022-02-28January issue of “Khazar Khabar” is on
2024-02-23January Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on
2023-03-10January, February Issues of “Khazar Khabar” on
2007Japan-Azerbaijan Bilateral RelationsAbe, Tadahiro
1999Japanese Recognition of the USSR 1925Ismailov, Gursel G.
2017Java 11: Web applications and Java EE: Software developmentKlausen, Poul
2015-01The jobs challenge in the South Caucasus - Azerbaijan-
2009-07-01Joel Lazarus on Political Parties and Western Democracy Promotion in Georgia-
2011“John Galsworthy’s creative activity and its interrelationship with Russian Literature of the XIX century”Amiraslanova, İlaha
2024-02-26Joint Article by Mathematics Department Professors in "International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics"-
2023-10-31Joint article by professors of the Department of Mathematics in "Electronic Journal of Differential Equations"-
2023-10-11Joint article of professors of the Department of Mathematics in the journal” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals"-
2023-10-04Joint article of professors of the Department of Mathematics in ”Turkish Journal of Mathematics"-