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Title: Khazar University Department Head Participates in III International Festival of Azerbaijani Vocalists Concert
Other Titles: “Xəzər”in departament müdiri Azərbaycan Vokalçıları III Beynəlxalq Festivalının konsertində
Issue Date: 30-Dec-2023
Abstract: On December 19, 2023 - on the fifth day of the III International Festival of Azerbaijani Vocalists, a concert dedicated to the renowned singers Fidan and Khuraman Gasimova was held entitled "In the Light of Art". Prior to the concert, distinguished musicologist, honored art worker, and professor Zemfira Gafarova shared insights into the contributions of sisters Fidan and Khuraman Gasimova in shaping Azerbaijani musical culture and the art of vocal
Appears in Collections:Events

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