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Title: International Conference at Khazar University: “Uzun Hasan Aqqoyunlu and his period: the political, socio-economic and cultural problems”
Other Titles: Xəzər Universitetində Beynəlxalq konfrans: “Uzun Həsən Ağqoyunlu və Onun Dövrü: Siyasi, Sosial-İqtisadi və Mədəni Məsələlər”
Issue Date: 29-Oct-2023
Abstract: On October 25, 2023, an international conference on “Uzun Hasan Aqqoyunlu and his period: the political, socio-economic and cultural problems” was held in the Marble Hall of Khazar University, organized by the International Turkish Academy (Kazakhstan) and Khazar University. The conference was attended by the administration of Khazar University, deans of faculties, heads of departments, employees and students, the administration of the International Turkish Academy, scientists and specialists from Türkiye, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, Institutes of ANAS and universities of the country.
Appears in Collections:Conference & Meeting

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