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Title: Conference on “From the EU’s Eastern Partnership to the EU’s Central Asia Policy: Continuity and Change”
Other Titles: “Aİ-nin Şərq tərəfdaşlığından Aİ-nin Mərkəzi Asiya siyasətinə: davamlılıq və dəyişiklik” mövzusunda konfrans
Issue Date: 27-Feb-2023
Abstract: On February 16-17, 2023, a two-day conference on "From EU's Eastern Partnership to EU's Central Asia Policy: Continuity and Change" was held at Khazar University with participants from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The conference started with the opening speech of the rector of Khazar University, associate professor Irade Khalilova, and university employees, teachers and students also participated.
Appears in Collections:Conference & Meeting

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