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Title: Presentation event of the book "My Karabakh or Karabakh Knot" by professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli held at Baku Eurasian University
Other Titles: Professor, akademik Hamlet İsaxanlının “Mənim Qarabağım və ya Qarabağ düyünü” kitabının Bakı Avrasiya Universitetində təqdimatı keçirilib
Issue Date: 16-Dec-2022
Abstract: On December 14, 2022, the presentation of the book "My Karabakh or the Karabakh Knot" by professor, academician Hamlet Isakhanli was held at Baku Eurasian University. The event was opened by the head of the Department of General Philology of Baku Eurasian University, doctor of philological sciences, associate professor Elmira Mammadova-Kekech. After greeting the guests, she gave the floor to student Leyla Safarli, head of the "Readers' Club". Leyla Safarli gave detailed information about Hamlet Isakhanli's life and creativity.
Appears in Collections:Events

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