Textbooks & Papers : [208] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 208
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-11-14Presentation of the book "Western Azerbaijanis: The Forgotten Heritage"-
2023-10-31Joint article by professors of the Department of Mathematics in "Electronic Journal of Differential Equations"-
2023-10-31September Issue of “Khazar Khabar” Journal Published-
2023-10-23Senior lecturer of English Language and Literature Department in "Goychay Encyclopedia"-
2023-10-30Article co-authored by Mathematics Department faculty member published-
2023-10-11Joint article of professors of the Department of Mathematics in the journal” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals"-
2023-10-10Article by the lecturer of the Department of Languages and Literature in “AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research”-
2023-10-10The book "History of Turkish states and cultures" published-
2023-10-04Joint article of professors of the Department of Mathematics in ”Turkish Journal of Mathematics"-
2023-10-10September Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
2023-09-30Article by Professor of the Department of Mathematics in "Differential Equations" Journal-
2023-09-30July Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
2023-09-26Article co-authored by Professor of Mathematics Department in the journal "Qualitative Theory of Dynamic Systems"-
2023-09-26Telman Nusratoghlu's speech on Azerbaijani and Turkish TV channels-
2023-08-09George Berkeley’s works in Azerbaijani-
2023-08-15July Issue of “Khazar Khabar” Journal Published-
2023-09-25Article by Political Science and Philosophy Department Head in ”Political Reflection" Journal-
2023-09-07History and Archeology Department Head Dr. Telman Nusratoglu’s article in the book published in Kazakhstan-
2023-09-13Joint article of the professors of the Department of Mathematics in "FILOMAT" journal-
2023-09-20Article of the professor of the Department of Mathematics in the journal “Ukrains’kyi Matematychnyi Zhurnal”-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 208