Textbooks & Papers : [208] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 208
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-12-24Presentation of the book "Heritage of Shusha"-
2022-12-08November Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
2022-11-30The monograph “Орудия труда и хозяйство раннеземледельческого поселения Аликемектепе в свете трасологического изучения” published-
2022-11-22The book "Mr.Abdullah in memories" Published-
2022-11-25October Issue of “Khazar Khabar” Journal Published-
2022-10-31October Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
2022-10-27Articles by the lecturer of Psychology Department in the journals European Psychiatry and European Neuropsychopharmacology-
2022-10-22The books of Khazar University's doctoral student published in Iran-
2022-10-17Khazar University staff members’ articles in International Journal of Language and Literature published in Korea-
2022-10-13"Nurjahan and Mumtaz Mahal" – the first book of the series-
2022-10-13A guide book "Nailakhanim Museum" published-
2022-10-13An article by Khazar University staff member published in an international scientific journal-
2022-10-11September Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
2022-10-11The 1st and 2nd suites of "Taj Mahal" ballet, whose libretto was written by Hamlet Isakhanli, were performed for the first time-
2022-10-10An article about Hamlet Isakhanli's work "My Karabakh or the Karabakh Knot" published in Korean International Journal of Language and Literature-
2022-10-03Scientific paper of Department of Economics and Management published in journal of Sustainability-
2022-10-05Article by Department head in “Academic Journal of History and Idea”-
2022-10-01An article on Hamlet Isakhanli’s poetry in the journal of "Russian language and literature in Azerbaijan" “Русский язык и литература в Азербайджане”-
2022-09-15New Issue of “Dunya” Journal Published-
2022-09-09July Issue of “Khazar Khabar” on khazar-review.khazar.org-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 208