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Showing results 1407 to 1426 of 5703 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013E-Dünya təcrübəsi əsasında yeni “Elektron-Azərbaycan” modelinin tətbiqi yollarının əsas inkişaf istiqamətləriMəmmədova, Xəyalə
2019-06-14e-Hamletİsaxanlı: “Həyat yoldaşım “Facebook”da baş verən bütün hadisələr haqqında mənə məlumat verir”Əkbər, Zeynəb
2016E-learning systems and Khazar Learning NetworkJafarzade, Farid
2010-05E-Təhsil : İnkişaf meylləri və Xəzər Universitəsinin təcrübəsiNuriyev, M.N.; Sotova, L.V.
2002E.K.Elekberovun "Zengezur ve Naxçıvan Seferleri" Adlı Meqalesinin Derc Olunmamış Hesabatıİbrahimov, İlhame
2021Early Philippine Life and Hegemony in Bienvenido N. Santos’s The Volcano: A Cultural Studies ReadingCerbito-Abocot, Rosemarie
2022-09-16East-West Teaching University was established in Tbilisi, Georgia, with the co-founding of professor, academician Hamlet Isaxanli-
2016The Eastern Partnership Programme: Is Pragmatic Regional Functionalism Working for a Contemporary Political Empire?Vernygora, Vlad; Ramiro Troiti~no, David; Va¨stra, Sigrid
2014Ebooks: the learning and teaching perspectiveEnright, Suzanne
2008-11-22EBRD Life in Transition Survey | worth analyzing!-
2020-12-09EBSCO Discovery Service Content Update-
2021-09-06EBSCO eBooks™ Open Access Collection-
2009-08-17ECFR report: Befuddling data-
2023-04-06Eco Architecture and Design Perspectives Congress-
2022Ecological Analyses of Subnivale Vegetation of Azerbaijan in the Context of Climate ChangeYusifov, Elman
2014Economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and ItalyPashayev, Fikrat
2007-08-29"The Economic Dynamics of the Countries of the South Caucasus"-
2020-03-27Economic Effects of Coronavirus OutbreakOzili, Peterson K; Arun, Thankom
2020-04Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) on the World EconomyFernandes, Nuno
2016The Economic Life of the Aetas of Northern PhilippinesTindowen, Darin Jan C.